Source code for gromacs.utilities

# GromacsWrapper:
# Copyright (c) 2009 Oliver Beckstein <>
# Released under the GNU Public License 3 (or higher, your choice)
# See the file COPYING for details.

:mod:`gromacs.utilities` -- Helper functions and classes

The module defines some convenience functions and classes that are
used in other modules; they do *not* make use of :mod:``
or :mod:`gromacs.cbook` and can be safely imported at any time.


:class:`FileUtils` provides functions related to filename handling. It
can be used as a base or mixin class. The :class:`gromacs.analysis.Simulation`
class is derived from it.

.. autoclass:: FileUtils
.. autoclass:: AttributeDict
.. autoclass:: Timedelta


Some additional convenience functions that deal with files and

.. function:: openany(directory[,mode='r'])

   Context manager to open a compressed (bzip2, gzip) or plain file
   (uses :func:`anyopen`).

.. autofunction:: anyopen
.. autofunction:: isstream
.. autofunction:: realpath
.. function:: in_dir(directory[,create=True])

   Context manager to execute a code block in a directory.

   * The *directory* is created if it does not exist (unless
     *create* = ``False`` is set)
   * At the end or after an exception code always returns to
     the directory that was the current directory before entering
     the block.

.. autofunction:: find_first
.. autofunction:: withextsep
.. autofunction:: which

Functions that improve list processing and which do *not* treat
strings as lists:

.. autofunction:: iterable
.. autofunction:: asiterable
.. autofunction:: firstof

Functions that help handling Gromacs files:

.. autofunction:: unlink_f
.. autofunction:: unlink_gmx
.. autofunction:: unlink_gmx_backups
.. autofunction:: number_pdbs

Functions that make working with matplotlib_ easier:

.. _matplotlib:

.. autofunction:: activate_subplot
.. autofunction:: remove_legend

Miscellaneous functions:

.. autofunction:: convert_aa_code
.. autofunction:: autoconvert
.. autofunction:: hasmethod


.. autodata:: amino_acid_codes

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

import os
import glob
import fnmatch
import itertools
import re
import warnings
import errno
import subprocess
from contextlib import contextmanager
import bz2
import gzip
import datetime

import numpy

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger("gromacs.utilities")

from .exceptions import AutoCorrectionWarning

[docs] class AttributeDict(dict): """A dictionary with pythonic access to keys as attributes --- useful for interactive work.""" def __getattribute__(self, x): # First try to get the attribute from the class parent (AttributeDict) try: return super(AttributeDict, self).__getattribute__(x) # AttributeError is raised if the attribute doesn't exist except AttributeError: # Next try to get the attribute from self (dict) try: return self[x] # If that fails, raise an AttributeError exception except KeyError: raise AttributeError def __setattr__(self, name, value): try: super(AttributeDict, self).__setitem__(name, value) except KeyError: super(AttributeDict, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __getstate__(self): return self def __setstate__(self, state): self.update(state)
[docs] def autoconvert(s): """Convert input to a numerical type if possible. 1. A non-string object is returned as it is 2. Try conversion to int, float, str. """ if type(s) is not str: return s for converter in int, float, str: # try them in increasing order of lenience try: s = [converter(i) for i in s.split()] if len(s) == 1: return s[0] else: return numpy.array(s) except (ValueError, AttributeError): pass raise ValueError("Failed to autoconvert {0!r}".format(s))
[docs] @contextmanager def openany(datasource, mode="rt", reset=True): """Context manager for :func:`anyopen`. Open the `datasource` and close it when the context of the :keyword:`with` statement exits. `datasource` can be a filename or a stream (see :func:`isstream`). A stream is reset to its start if possible (via :meth:`` or :meth:`~cString.StringIO.reset`). The advantage of this function is that very different input sources ("streams") can be used for a "file", ranging from files on disk (including compressed files) to open file objects to sockets and strings---as long as they have a file-like interface. :Arguments: *datasource* a file or a stream *mode* {'r', 'w'} (optional), open in r(ead) or w(rite) mode *reset* bool (optional) try to read (`mode` 'r') the stream from the start [``True``] **Example** Open a gzipped file and process it line by line:: with openany("input.pdb.gz") as pdb: for line in pdb: if line.startswith('ATOM'): print(line) Open a URL and read it:: import urllib2 with openany(urllib2.urlopen("")) as html: print( .. SeeAlso:: :func:`anyopen` """ stream = anyopen(datasource, mode=mode, reset=reset) try: yield stream finally: stream.close()
# On python 3, we want to use to open and uncompress bz2 files. That # function allows to specify the type of the uncompressed file (bytes ot text). # The function does not exist in python 2, thus we must use bz2.BZFile to # which we cannot tell if the uncompressed file contains bytes or text. # Therefore, on python 2 we use a proxy function that removes the type of the # uncompressed file from the `mode` argument. try: except AttributeError: # We are on python 2 and is not available def bz2_open(filename, mode): """Open and uncompress a BZ2 file""" mode = mode.replace("t", "").replace("b", "") return bz2.BZ2File(filename, mode) else: # We are on python 3 so we can use bz2_open =
[docs] def anyopen(datasource, mode="rt", reset=True): """Open datasource (gzipped, bzipped, uncompressed) and return a stream. `datasource` can be a filename or a stream (see :func:`isstream`). By default, a stream is reset to its start if possible (via :meth:`` or :meth:`~cString.StringIO.reset`). If possible, the attribute ```` is set to the filename or "<stream>" if no filename could be associated with the *datasource*. :Arguments: *datasource* a file (from :class:`file` or :func:`open`) or a stream (e.g. from :func:`urllib2.urlopen` or :class:`cStringIO.StringIO`) *mode* {'r', 'w', 'a'} (optional), Open in r(ead), w(rite) or a(ppen) mode. More complicated modes ('r+', 'w+', ...) are not supported; only the first letter of `mode` is used and thus any additional modifiers are silently ignored. *reset* bool (optional), try to read (`mode` 'r') the stream from the start :Returns: file-like object .. SeeAlso:: :func:`openany` to be used with the :keyword:`with` statement. """ handlers = {"bz2": bz2_open, "gz":, "": open} if mode.startswith("r"): if isstream(datasource): stream = datasource try: filename = str( # maybe that does not always work? except AttributeError: filename = "<stream>" if reset: try: stream.reset() except (AttributeError, IOError): try: except (AttributeError, IOError): warnings.warn( "Stream {0}: not guaranteed to be at the beginning." "".format(filename), category=StreamWarning, ) else: stream = None filename = datasource for ext in ("bz2", "gz", ""): # file == '' should be last openfunc = handlers[ext] stream = _get_stream(datasource, openfunc, mode=mode) if stream is not None: break if stream is None: raise IOError( errno.EIO, "Cannot open file or stream in mode={mode!r}.".format(**vars()), repr(filename), ) elif mode.startswith("w") or mode.startswith("a"): # append 'a' not tested... if isstream(datasource): stream = datasource try: filename = str( # maybe that does not always work? except AttributeError: filename = "<stream>" else: stream = None filename = datasource name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext.startswith("."): ext = ext[1:] if not ext in ("bz2", "gz"): ext = "" # anything else but bz2 or gz is just a normal file openfunc = handlers[ext] stream = openfunc(datasource, mode=mode) if stream is None: raise IOError( errno.EIO, "Cannot open file or stream in mode={mode!r}.".format(**vars()), repr(filename), ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Sorry, mode={mode!r} is not implemented for {datasource!r}".format( **vars() ) ) try: = filename except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass # can't set name (e.g. cStringIO.StringIO) return stream
def _get_stream(filename, openfunction=open, mode="r"): """Return open stream if *filename* can be opened with *openfunction* or else ``None``.""" try: stream = openfunction(filename, mode=mode) except (IOError, OSError) as err: # An exception might be raised due to two reasons, first the openfunction is unable to open the file, in this # case we have to ignore the error and return None. Second is when openfunction can't open the file because # either the file isn't there or the permissions don't allow access. if errno.errorcode[err.errno] in ["ENOENT", "EACCES"]: raise return None if mode.startswith("r"): # additional check for reading (eg can we uncompress) --- is this needed? try: stream.readline() except IOError: stream.close() stream = None except: stream.close() raise else: stream.close() stream = openfunction(filename, mode=mode) return stream
[docs] def hasmethod(obj, m): """Return ``True`` if object *obj* contains the method *m*. .. versionadded:: 0.7.1 """ return hasattr(obj, m) and callable(getattr(obj, m))
[docs] def isstream(obj): """Detect if `obj` is a stream. We consider anything a stream that has the methods - ``close()`` and either set of the following - ``read()``, ``readline()``, ``readlines()`` - ``write()``, ``writeline()``, ``writelines()`` :Arguments: *obj* stream or str :Returns: *bool*, ``True`` if `obj` is a stream, ``False`` otherwise .. SeeAlso:: :mod:`io` .. versionadded:: 0.7.1 """ signature_methods = ("close",) alternative_methods = ( ("read", "readline", "readlines"), ("write", "writeline", "writelines"), ) # Must have ALL the signature methods for m in signature_methods: if not hasmethod(obj, m): return False # Must have at least one complete set of alternative_methods alternative_results = [ numpy.all([hasmethod(obj, m) for m in alternatives]) for alternatives in alternative_methods ] return numpy.any(alternative_results)
# TODO: make it work for non-default charge state amino acids. #: translation table for 1-letter codes --> 3-letter codes #: .. Note: This does not work for HISB and non-default charge state aa! amino_acid_codes = { "A": "ALA", "C": "CYS", "D": "ASP", "E": "GLU", "F": "PHE", "G": "GLY", "H": "HIS", "I": "ILE", "K": "LYS", "L": "LEU", "M": "MET", "N": "ASN", "P": "PRO", "Q": "GLN", "R": "ARG", "S": "SER", "T": "THR", "V": "VAL", "W": "TRP", "Y": "TYR", } inverse_aa_codes = {three: one for one, three in amino_acid_codes.items()}
[docs] def convert_aa_code(x): """Converts between 3-letter and 1-letter amino acid codes.""" if len(x) == 1: return amino_acid_codes[x.upper()] elif len(x) == 3: return inverse_aa_codes[x.upper()] else: raise ValueError( "Can only convert 1-letter or 3-letter amino acid codes, " "not %r" % x )
[docs] @contextmanager def in_dir(directory, create=True): """Context manager to execute a code block in a directory. * The directory is created if it does not exist (unless create=False is set) * At the end or after an exception code always returns to the directory that was the current directory before entering the block. """ startdir = os.getcwd() try: try: os.chdir(directory) logger.debug("Working in {directory!r}...".format(**vars())) except OSError as err: if create and err.errno == errno.ENOENT: os.makedirs(directory) os.chdir(directory) "Working in {directory!r} (newly created)...".format(**vars()) ) else: logger.exception( "Failed to start working in {directory!r}.".format(**vars()) ) raise yield os.getcwd() finally: os.chdir(startdir)
[docs] def realpath(*args): """Join all args and return the real path, rooted at /. Expands ``~`` and environment variables such as :envvar:`$HOME`. Returns ``None`` if any of the args is none. """ if None in args: return None return os.path.realpath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(*args))))
[docs] def find_first(filename, suffices=None): """Find first *filename* with a suffix from *suffices*. :Arguments: *filename* base filename; this file name is checked first *suffices* list of suffices that are tried in turn on the root of *filename*; can contain the ext separator (:data:`os.path.extsep`) or not :Returns: The first match or ``None``. """ # struct is not reliable as it depends on qscript so now we just try everything... root, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if suffices is None: suffices = [] else: suffices = withextsep(suffices) extensions = [extension] + suffices # native name is first for ext in extensions: fn = root + ext if os.path.exists(fn): return fn return None
[docs] def withextsep(extensions): """Return list in which each element is guaranteed to start with :data:`os.path.extsep`.""" def dottify(x): if x.startswith(os.path.extsep): return x return os.path.extsep + x return [dottify(x) for x in asiterable(extensions)]
def find_files(directory, pattern): """Find files recursively under *directory*, matching *pattern* (generator). *pattern* is a UNIX-style glob pattern as used ny :func:`fnmatch.fnmatch`. Recipe by Bruno Oliveira from """ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for basename in files: if fnmatch.fnmatch(basename, pattern): filename = os.path.join(root, basename) yield filename
[docs] def which(program): """Determine full path of executable *program* on :envvar:`PATH`. (Jay at .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ def is_exe(fpath): return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) fpath, fname = os.path.split(program) if fpath: real_program = realpath(program) if is_exe(real_program): return real_program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file return None
[docs] class FileUtils(object): """Mixin class to provide additional file-related capabilities.""" #: Default extension for files read/written by this class. default_extension = None def _init_filename(self, filename=None, ext=None): """Initialize the current filename :attr:`FileUtils.real_filename` of the object. Bit of a hack. - The first invocation must have ``filename != None``; this will set a default filename with suffix :attr:`FileUtils.default_extension` unless another one was supplied. - Subsequent invocations either change the filename accordingly or ensure that the default filename is set with the proper suffix. """ extension = ext or self.default_extension filename = self.filename( filename, ext=extension, use_my_ext=True, set_default=True ) #: Current full path of the object for reading and writing I/O. self.real_filename = os.path.realpath(filename)
[docs] def filename(self, filename=None, ext=None, set_default=False, use_my_ext=False): """Supply a file name for the class object. Typical uses:: fn = filename() ---> <default_filename> fn = filename('name.ext') ---> 'name' fn = filename(ext='pickle') ---> <default_filename>'.pickle' fn = filename('name.inp','pdf') --> 'name.pdf' fn = filename('foo.pdf',ext='png',use_my_ext=True) --> 'foo.pdf' The returned filename is stripped of the extension (``use_my_ext=False``) and if provided, another extension is appended. Chooses a default if no filename is given. Raises a ``ValueError`` exception if no default file name is known. If ``set_default=True`` then the default filename is also set. ``use_my_ext=True`` lets the suffix of a provided filename take priority over a default ``ext`` tension. .. versionchanged:: 0.3.1 An empty string as *ext* = "" will suppress appending an extension. """ if filename is None: if not hasattr(self, "_filename"): self._filename = None # add attribute to class if self._filename: filename = self._filename else: raise ValueError( "A file name is required because no default file name was defined." ) my_ext = None else: filename, my_ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if set_default: # replaces existing default file name self._filename = filename if my_ext and use_my_ext: ext = my_ext if ext is not None: if ext.startswith(os.extsep): ext = ext[1:] # strip a dot to avoid annoying mistakes if ext != "": filename = filename + os.extsep + ext return filename
[docs] def check_file_exists(self, filename, resolve="exception", force=None): """If a file exists then continue with the action specified in ``resolve``. ``resolve`` must be one of "ignore" always return ``False`` "indicate" return ``True`` if it exists "warn" indicate and issue a :exc:`UserWarning` "exception" raise :exc:`IOError` if it exists Alternatively, set *force* for the following behaviour (which ignores *resolve*): ``True`` same as *resolve* = "ignore" (will allow overwriting of files) ``False`` same as *resolve* = "exception" (will prevent overwriting of files) ``None`` ignored, do whatever *resolve* says """ def _warn(x): msg = "File {0!r} already exists.".format(x) logger.warning(msg) warnings.warn(msg) return True def _raise(x): msg = "File {0!r} already exists.".format(x) logger.error(msg) raise IOError(errno.EEXIST, x, msg) solutions = { "ignore": lambda x: False, # file exists, but we pretend that it doesn't "indicate": lambda x: True, # yes, file exists "warn": _warn, "warning": _warn, "exception": _raise, "raise": _raise, } if force is True: resolve = "ignore" elif force is False: resolve = "exception" if not os.path.isfile(filename): return False else: return solutions[resolve](filename)
[docs] def infix_filename(self, name, default, infix, ext=None): """Unless *name* is provided, insert *infix* before the extension *ext* of *default*.""" if name is None: p, oldext = os.path.splitext(default) if ext is None: ext = oldext if ext.startswith(os.extsep): ext = ext[1:] name = self.filename(p + infix, ext=ext) return name
def __repr__(self): fmt = "{0!s}(filename=%r)".format(self.__class__.__name__) try: fn = self.filename() except ValueError: fn = None return fmt % fn
[docs] def iterable(obj): """Returns ``True`` if *obj* can be iterated over and is *not* a string.""" if isinstance(obj, str): return False # avoid iterating over characters of a string if hasattr(obj, "next"): return True # any iterator will do try: len(obj) # anything else that might work except TypeError: return False return True
[docs] def asiterable(obj): """Returns obj so that it can be iterated over; a string is *not* treated as iterable""" if not iterable(obj): obj = [obj] return obj
[docs] def firstof(obj): """Returns the first entry of a sequence or the obj. Treats strings as single objects. """ return asiterable(obj)[0]
# In utilities so that it can be safely used in tools, cbook, ... def mkdir_p(path): """Create a directory *path* with subdirs but do not complain if it exists. This is like GNU ``mkdir -p path``. """ try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as err: if err.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise def cat(f=None, o=None): """Concatenate files *f*=[...] and write to *o*""" # need f, o to be compatible with trjcat and eneconv if f is None or o is None: return target = o infiles = asiterable(f) logger.debug("cat {0!s} > {1!s} ".format(" ".join(infiles), target)) with open(target, "w") as out: rc =["cat"] + infiles, stdout=out) if rc != 0: msg = "failed with return code {0:d}: cat {1!r} > {2!r} ".format( rc, " ".join(infiles), target ) logger.exception(msg) raise OSError(errno.EIO, msg, target) # helpers for matplotlib
[docs] def activate_subplot(numPlot): """Make subplot *numPlot* active on the canvas. Use this if a simple ``subplot(numRows, numCols, numPlot)`` overwrites the subplot instead of activating it. """ # see from pylab import gcf, axes numPlot -= 1 # index is 0-based, plots are 1-based return axes(gcf().get_axes()[numPlot])
[docs] def remove_legend(ax=None): """Remove legend for axes or gca. See """ from pylab import gca, draw if ax is None: ax = gca() ax.legend_ = None draw()
# time functions
[docs] class Timedelta(datetime.timedelta): """Extension of :class:`datetime.timedelta`. Provides attributes ddays, dhours, dminutes, dseconds to measure the delta in normal time units. ashours gives the total time in fractional hours. """ @property def dhours(self): """Hours component of the timedelta.""" return self.seconds // 3600 @property def dminutes(self): """Minutes component of the timedelta.""" return self.seconds // 60 - 60 * self.dhours @property def dseconds(self): """Seconds component of the timedelta.""" return self.seconds - 3600 * self.dhours - 60 * self.dminutes @property def ashours(self): """Timedelta in (fractional) hours.""" return 24 * self.days + self.seconds / 3600.0 def strftime(self, fmt="%d:%H:%M:%S"): """Primitive string formatter. The only directives understood are the following: ============ ========================== Directive meaning ============ ========================== %d day as integer %H hour [00-23] %h hours including days %M minute as integer [00-59] %S second as integer [00-59] ============ ========================== """ substitutions = { "%d": str(self.days), "%H": "{0:02d}".format(self.dhours), "%h": str(24 * self.days + self.dhours), "%M": "{0:02d}".format(self.dminutes), "%S": "{0:02d}".format(self.dseconds), } s = fmt for search, replacement in substitutions.items(): s = s.replace(search, replacement) return s
NUMBERED_PDB = re.compile(r"(?P<PREFIX>.*\D)(?P<NUMBER>\d+)\.(?P<SUFFIX>pdb)")
[docs] def number_pdbs(*args, **kwargs): """Rename pdbs x1.pdb ... x345.pdb --> x0001.pdb ... x0345.pdb :Arguments: - *args*: filenames or glob patterns (such as "pdb/md*.pdb") - *format*: format string including keyword *num* ["%(num)04d"] """ format = kwargs.pop("format", "%(num)04d") name_format = "%(prefix)s" + format + ".%(suffix)s" for f in itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(glob.glob, args)): m = if m is None: continue num = int("NUMBER")) prefix ="PREFIX") suffix ="SUFFIX") newname = name_format % vars()"Renaming {f!r} --> {newname!r}".format(**vars())) try: os.rename(f, newname) except OSError: logger.exception("renaming failed")