.. -*- mode: rst -*- ========= INSTALL ========= This document should help you to install the **GromacsWrapper** package. Please raise and issue in the `Issue Tracker`_ if problems occur or if you have suggestions on how to improve the package or these instructions. .. _Issue Tracker: https://github.com/Becksteinlab/GromacsWrapper/issues .. _setuptools: https://pypi.org/project/setuptools/ Quick installation instructions =============================== The latest release can be directly installed from the internet:: pip install GromacsWrapper This will automatically download and install the `latest version of GromacsWrapper from PyPi`_. .. _`latest version of GromacsWrapper from PyPi`: https://pypi.org/project/GromacsWrapper/ Manual Download =============== If your prefer to download manually, get the latest stable release from https://github.com/Becksteinlab/GromacsWrapper/releases and either :: pip install GromacsWrapper-0.7.0.tar.gz or install from the unpacked source:: tar -zxvf GromacsWrapper-0.7.0.tar.gz cd GromacsWrapper-0.7.0 python setup.py install Source code access ================== The tar archive from https://github.com/Becksteinlab/GromacsWrapper/releases contains a full source code distribution. In order to follow code development you can also browse the code **git** repository at https://github.com/Becksteinlab/GromacsWrapper or clone the git repository from git://github.com/Becksteinlab/GromacsWrapper.git and checkout the *master& branch:: git clone https://github.com/Becksteinlab/GromacsWrapper.git cd GromacsWrapper Requirements ============ Python_ 2.7.x or Python >= 3.4 and Gromacs_ (4.6.x, 2016, 2018) must be installed. ipython_ is very much recommended. These packages might already be available through your local package manager such as ``aptitude/apt``, ``yum``, ``yast``, ``fink`` or ``macports``. .. _Python: http://www.python.org .. _Gromacs: http://www.gromacs.org .. _ipython: http://ipython.scipy.org System requirements ------------------- Tested with Python 2.7.x and Python 3.5/3.6 on Linux and Mac OS X. Earlier Python versions are not supported. .. Note:: Python 3 support is currently in alpha state; in principle it is fully supported but if you find bugs please report them through the `Issue Tracker`_. Required Python modules ----------------------- The basic package makes use of numpy_ and numkit_ (which uses scipy_); all dependencies are installed during a normal installation process. .. _numpy: http://numpy.scipy.org .. _numkit: https://github.com/Becksteinlab/numkit .. _scipy: https://www.scipy.org/scipylib/index.html