Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# GromacsWrapper:
# Copyright (c) 2009 Oliver Beckstein <>
# Released under the GNU Public License 3 (or higher, your choice)
# See the file COPYING for details.

""":mod:`` -- Running simulations

The :mod:`` module contains tools for launching a Gromacs MD
simulation with :program:`gmx mdrun`. The basic tool is the :class:`MDrunner`
class that customizes how :class:`mdrun<>` is actually
called. It enables setting a driver such as :program:`mpiexec` for launching
MPI-enabled runs. The :ref:`example-mdrunner-mpi` should make clearer what one
needs to do.

Additionally, :ref:`helpers` are provided to check and manage MD runs.

.. _example-mdrunner-mpi:

Example: How to create your own MDrunner with ``mpiexec -n``

- Question: How do I change the GromacsWrapper configuration file so that
  ``mdrun`` gets called with an ``mpiexec -n`` prefix?

- Answer: That's not directly supported but if you just want to change how
  ``mdrun`` is launched then you can create a custom :class:`MDrunner` for this

In many cases, you really only need the path to :program:`mpiexec` and then you
can just derive your own class :class:`MDrunnerMPI`::

  class MDrunnerMPI(
      \"\"\"Manage running :program:`mdrun` as an MPI multiprocessor job.\"\"\"

      mdrun = "gmx_mpi mdrun"
      mpiexec = "/opt/local/bin/mpiexec"

The full path to the MPI runner :program:`mpiexec` (or :program:`mpirun`) is
stored in the class attribute :attr:`MDrunnerMPI.mpiexec`.

This class can then be used as ::

  mdrun_mpi = MDrunnerMPI(s="md.tpr", deffnm="md")
  rc =

Our :class:`MDrunnerMPI` only supports running ``mpiexec -n ncores
gmx mdrun ...``, i.e., only the ``-n ncores`` arguments for :program:`mpiexec`
is supported. If you need more functionality then you need write your own
:meth:`MDrunner.mpicommand` method, which you would add to your own
:class:`MDrunnerMPI` class.

The included :class:`MDrunnerOpenMP` could be used instead of our own
:class:`MDrunnerMPI`; the only difference is that multiple names of MPI-enabled
``mdrun`` binaries are stored as a tuple in the attribute
:attr:`MDrunnerOpenMP.mdrun` so that the class works for old Gromacs 4.x and
modern Gromacs ≥ 2016.

If you need to run some code before or after launching you can add it as the
:meth:`MDrunnerMPI.prehook` and :meth:`MDrunnerMPI.posthook` methods as shown
in :class:`MDrunnerMpich2Smpd`.


The :class:`MDrunner` wraps :class:`` to customize launching
a Gromacs MD simulation from inside the Python interpreter.

.. autoclass:: MDrunner

.. autoclass:: MDrunnerDoublePrecision

Example implementations

.. autoclass:: MDrunnerOpenMP
.. autoclass:: MDrunnerMpich2Smpd

.. _helpers:

Helper functions

.. autofunction:: check_mdrun_success
.. autofunction:: get_double_or_single_prec_mdrun
.. autofunction:: find_gromacs_command

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

import warnings
import subprocess
import os.path
import errno
import signal

# logging
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger("")

# gromacs modules
import gromacs
from .exceptions import GromacsError, AutoCorrectionWarning
from . import core
from . import utilities

[docs] def find_gromacs_command(commands): """Return *driver* and *name* of the first command that can be found on :envvar:`PATH`""" # We could try executing 'name' or 'driver name' but to keep things lean we # just check if the executables can be found and then hope for the best. commands = utilities.asiterable(commands) for command in commands: try: driver, name = command.split() except ValueError: driver, name = None, command executable = driver if driver else name if utilities.which(executable): break else: raise OSError( errno.ENOENT, "No Gromacs executable found in", ", ".join(commands) ) return driver, name
[docs] class MDrunner(utilities.FileUtils): """A class to manage running :program:`mdrun` in various ways. In order to do complicated multiprocessor runs with mpiexec or similar you need to derive from this class and override - :attr:`MDrunner.mdrun` with the path to the ``mdrun`` executable - :attr:`MDrunner.mpiexec` with the path to the MPI launcher - :meth:`MDrunner.mpicommand` with a function that returns the mpi command as a list In addition there are two methods named :meth:`prehook` and :meth:`posthook` that are called right before and after the process is started. If they are overriden appropriately then they can be used to set up a mpi environment. The :meth:`run` method can take arguments for the :program:`mpiexec` launcher but it can also be used to supersede the arguments for :program:`mdrun`. The actual **mdrun** command is set in the class-level attribute :attr:`mdrun`. This can be a single string or a sequence (tuple) of strings. On instantiation, the first entry in :attr:`mdrun` that can be found on the :envvar:`PATH` is chosen (with :func:`find_gromacs_command`). For example, ``gmx mdrun`` from Gromacs 5.x but just ``mdrun`` for Gromacs 4.6.x. Similarly, alternative executables (such as double precision) need to be specified here (e.g. ``("mdrun_d", "gmx_d mdrun")``). .. Note:: Changing :program:`mdrun` arguments permanently changes the default arguments for this instance of :class:`MDrunner`. (This is arguably a bug.) .. versionchanged:: 0.5.1 Added detection of bare Gromacs commands (Gromacs 4.6.x) or commands run through :program:`gmx` (Gromacs 5.x). .. versionchanged:: 0.6.0 Changed syntax for Gromacs 5.x commands. """ #: Path to the :program:`mdrun` executable (or the name if it can be found on :envvar:`PATH`); #: this can be a tuple and then the program names are tried in sequence. For Gromacs 5 #: prefix with the driver command, e.g., ``gmx mdrun``. #: #: .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 mdrun = ("mdrun", "gmx mdrun") #: path to the MPI launcher (e.g. :program:`mpiexec`) mpiexec = None def __init__(self, dirname=os.path.curdir, **kwargs): """Set up a simple run with ``mdrun``. :Keywords: *dirname* Change to this directory before launching the job. Input files must be supplied relative to this directory. *keywords* All other keword arguments are used to construct the :class:`` commandline. Note that only keyword arguments are allowed. """ # run MD in this directory (input files must be relative to this dir!) self.dirname = dirname self.driver, = find_gromacs_command(self.mdrun) # use a GromacsCommand class for handling arguments cls = type( "MDRUN", (core.GromacsCommand,), { "command_name":, "driver": self.driver, "__doc__": "MDRUN command {0} {1}".format(self.driver,, }, ) kwargs["failure"] = "raise" # failure mode of class self.MDRUN = cls(**kwargs) # might fail for mpi binaries? .. -h? # analyze command line to deduce logfile name logname = kwargs.get("g") # explicit if logname in (True, None): # implicit logname = "md" # mdrun default deffnm = kwargs.get("deffnm") if deffnm is not None: logname = deffnm self.logname = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename(logname, ext="log")) ) self.process = None self.signal_handled = False signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler)
[docs] def signal_handler(self, signum, frame): """Custom signal handler for SIGINT.""" if self.process is not None: try: self.process.terminate() # Attempt to terminate the subprocess self.process.wait() # Wait for the subprocess to terminate self.signal_handled = True except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error terminating subprocess: {e}") raise KeyboardInterrupt # Re-raise the KeyboardInterrupt to exit the main script
[docs] def commandline(self, **mpiargs): """Returns simple command line to invoke mdrun. If :attr:`mpiexec` is set then :meth:`mpicommand` provides the mpi launcher command that prefixes the actual ``mdrun`` invocation: :attr:`mpiexec` [*mpiargs*] :attr:`mdrun` [*mdrun-args*] The *mdrun-args* are set on initializing the class. Override :meth:`mpicommand` to fit your system if the simple default OpenMP launcher is not appropriate. """ cmd = self.MDRUN.commandline() if self.mpiexec: cmd = self.mpicommand(**mpiargs) + cmd return cmd
[docs] def mpicommand(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return a list of the mpi command portion of the commandline. Only allows primitive mpi at the moment: *mpiexec* -n *ncores* *mdrun* *mdrun-args* (This is a primitive example for OpenMP. Override it for more complicated cases.) """ if self.mpiexec is None: raise NotImplementedError( "Override mpiexec to enable the simple OpenMP launcher" ) # example implementation ncores = kwargs.pop("ncores", 8) return [self.mpiexec, "-n", str(ncores)]
[docs] def prehook(self, **kwargs): """Called directly before launching the process.""" return
[docs] def posthook(self, **kwargs): """Called directly after the process terminated (also if it failed).""" return
[docs] def run(self, pre=None, post=None, mdrunargs=None, **mpiargs): """Execute the mdrun command (possibly as a MPI command) and run the simulation. :Keywords: *pre* a dictionary containing keyword arguments for the :meth:`prehook` *post* a dictionary containing keyword arguments for the :meth:`posthook` *mdrunargs* a dictionary with keyword arguments for :program:`mdrun` which supersede **and update** the defaults given to the class constructor *mpiargs* all other keyword arguments that are processed by :meth:`mpicommand` """ if pre is None: pre = {} if post is None: post = {} if mdrunargs is not None: try: self.MDRUN.gmxargs.update(mdrunargs) except (ValueError, TypeError): msg = "mdrunargs must be a dict of mdrun options, not {0}".format( mdrunargs ) logger.error(msg) raise cmd = self.commandline(**mpiargs) with utilities.in_dir(self.dirname, create=False): try: self.prehook(**pre)" ".join(cmd)) self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd) # Use Popen instead of call returncode = self.process.wait() # Wait for the process to complete except KeyboardInterrupt: # Handle the keyboard interrupt gracefully"Keyboard Interrupt received, terminating the subprocess.") raise except: logger.exception("Failed MD run for unknown reasons.") raise finally: self.posthook(**post) if returncode == 0:"MDrun completed ok, returncode = {0:d}".format(returncode)) else: logger.critical("Failure in MDrun, returncode = {0:d}".format(returncode)) return returncode
[docs] def run_check(self, **kwargs): """Run :program:`mdrun` and check if run completed when it finishes. This works by looking at the mdrun log file for 'Finished mdrun on node'. It is useful to implement robust simulation techniques. :Arguments: *kwargs* are keyword arguments that are passed on to :meth:`run` (typically used for mpi things) :Returns: - ``True`` if run completed successfully - ``False`` otherwise """ rc = None # set to something in case we ever want to look at it later (and bomb in the try block) try: rc =**kwargs) except: logger.exception("run_check: caught exception") status = self.check_success() if status:"run_check: Hooray! mdrun finished successfully") else: logger.error("run_check: mdrun failed to complete run") return status
[docs] def check_success(self): """Check if :program:`mdrun` finished successfully. (See :func:`check_mdrun_success` for details) """ return check_mdrun_success(self.logname)
[docs] class MDrunnerDoublePrecision(MDrunner): """Manage running :program:`mdrun_d`.""" mdrun = ("mdrun_d", "gmx_d mdrun")
[docs] class MDrunnerOpenMP(MDrunner): """Manage running :program:`mdrun` as an OpenMP_ multiprocessor job. .. _OpenMP: """ mdrun = ("mdrun_openmp", "gmx_openmp mdrun") mpiexec = "mpiexec"
[docs] class MDrunnerMpich2Smpd(MDrunner): """Manage running :program:`mdrun` as mpich2_ multiprocessor job with the SMPD mechanism. .. _mpich2: """ mdrun = "mdrun_mpich2" mpiexec = "mpiexec"
[docs] def prehook(self, **kwargs): """Launch local smpd.""" cmd = ["smpd", "-s"]"Starting smpd: " + " ".join(cmd)) rc = return rc
[docs] def posthook(self, **kwargs): """Shut down smpd""" cmd = ["smpd", "-shutdown"]"Shutting down smpd: " + " ".join(cmd)) rc = return rc
[docs] def check_mdrun_success(logfile): """Check if ``mdrun`` finished successfully. Analyses the output from ``mdrun`` in *logfile*. Right now we are simply looking for the line "Finished mdrun on node" in the last 1kb of the file. (The file must be seeakable.) :Arguments: *logfile* : filename Logfile produced by ``mdrun``. :Returns: ``True`` if all ok, ``False`` if not finished, and ``None`` if the *logfile* cannot be opened """ if not os.path.exists(logfile): return None with open(logfile, "rb") as log:, 2) for line in log: line = line.decode("ASCII") if line.startswith("Finished mdrun on"): return True return False
[docs] def get_double_or_single_prec_mdrun(): """Return double precision ``mdrun`` or fall back to single precision. This convenience function tries :func:`gromacs.mdrun_d` first and if it cannot run it, falls back to :func:`gromacs.mdrun` (without further checking). .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ try: gromacs.mdrun_d(h=True, stdout=False, stderr=False) logger.debug("using double precision gromacs.mdrun_d") return gromacs.mdrun_d except (AttributeError, GromacsError, OSError): # fall back to mdrun if no double precision binary wmsg = ( "No 'mdrun_d' binary found so trying 'mdrun' instead.\n" "(Note that energy minimization runs better with mdrun_d.)" ) logger.warning(wmsg) warnings.warn(wmsg, category=AutoCorrectionWarning) return gromacs.mdrun